21. Exercise 4
In this exercise, we’ll try out the “let the server fix it for you” feature.
Both the Python and Node (and Dockerized Node) web servers will automatically add the script headers to any documents they serve if you pass them as parameters to the script.
Point your browser at one of the recipes, for example: http://localhost:9000/recipes/pizza.html
You’ll see a fairly plain and in many ways incomplete recipe. We’re going to fix those things in future exercises.
(If you open http://localhost:9000/recipes/, you’ll get a list of the recipes, as you might have expected.)
Make sure you have the server running in a shell window that you can see.
Now add “?exercise=ex04
” to the URI:
You should see the transformed output this time.
If you’re using the Python server, you should see something like this in the shell window where the server is running: - - [21/Oct/2021 15:04:30] "GET /recipes/pizza.html?exercise=ex04 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Oct/2021 15:04:30] "GET /js/SaxonJS2.rt.js HTTP/1.1" 200 -
> Task :pythonServerStart
> Configure project :
Building with Java version 1.8.0_231
> Task :parseCompilerOptions
> Task :eej
2 actionable tasks: 2 executed - - [21/Oct/2021 15:04:39] "GET /exercises/ex04/ex04.sef.json HTTP/1.1" 200 -
If you’re using node, you’ll get the slightly less chatty output:
GET /recipes/beef-stroganof.html?exercise=ex04
Compiling XSL with xslt3.js
GET /js/SaxonJS2.rt.js
GET /exercises/ex04/ex04.sef.json
There’s one more trick to show you in this exercise. Edit the
stylesheet ex04.xsl
so that the “it worked”
message is different and save the XSL file.
Before you recompile the SEF file, hit reload in the browser.
The browser will also automatically recompile your XSL file if it’s newer than the corresponding SEF file.
That’s going to save you some time!