7. For your amusement…

This simple XSLT stylesheet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:template match="/">
  <doc>Hello, world.</doc>

compiles to this SEF file:

"ns":"xsl=~ xml=~","line":"6","name":"doc","nsuri":"",
"val":"Hello, world."}]}]}]}]}]},{"N":"overridden"},{"N":"output",

Which you are not expected to be able to read. Pretty printing doesn’t help much.

  "N": "package",
  "when": "2021-10-21T10:08:22.824+01:00",
  "expiry": "2021-11-15",
  "id": "0",
  "version": "30",
  "packageVersion": "1",
  "saxonProduct": "SAXON-EE",
  "saxonVersion": "10.6",
  "buildDateTime": "2021-10-21T10:08:22.825+01:00",
  "target": "JS",
  "targetVersion": "2",
  "relocatable": "true",
  "implicit": "true",
  "C": [
      "N": "co",
      "id": "0",
      "binds": "",
      "C": [
          "N": "mode",
          "onNo": "TC",
          "flags": "dW",
          "patternSlots": "0",
          "C": [
              "N": "templateRule",
              "prec": "0",
              "prio": "-0.5",
              "seq": "0",
              "rank": "0",
              "minImp": "0",
              "slots": "0",
              "matches": "ND",
              "flags": "s",
              "line": "5",
              "module": "out.xsl",
              "C": [
                  "N": "p.nodeTest",
                  "role": "match",
                  "test": "ND"
                  "N": "elem",
                  "role": "action",
                  "defaultElementNS": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
                  "ns": "xsl=~ xml=~",
                  "line": "6",
                  "name": "doc",
                  "nsuri": "",
                  "C": [
                      "N": "valueOf",
                      "flags": "l",
                      "C": [
                          "N": "str",
                          "val": "Hello, world."
      "N": "overridden"
      "N": "output",
      "C": [
          "N": "property",
          "name": "Q{http://saxon.sf.net/}stylesheet-version",
          "value": "30"
      "N": "decimalFormat"
  "Σ": "cd7c765a"

You should never have to read an SEF file. If only we were so lucky!