Implementing XForms using interactive XSLT 3.0
Saxon-Forms is a (currently) partial XForms implementation developed using Saxon-JS, an XSLT 3.0 run-time written purely in JavaScript. Designed for browsers the mechanics of the XForms implementation such as actions are implemented using ‘interactive’ XSLT 3.0 extensions available with Saxon-JS, to update form data in the (X)HTML page, and handle user input using event handling templates.
O’Neil Delpratt joined Saxonica from a research project at the University of Leicester in 2010. He is a co-developer of the Saxon product, with specific responsibility for Saxon on .NET and Saxon/C for C/C++/PHP/Python languages. Before joining Saxonica, he completed his post-graduate studies at the University of Leicester. His thesis title was “In-memory Representations of XML documents”, which coincided with a C++ software development of a memory efficient DOM implementation, called Succinct DOM.
Debbie Lockett joined the Saxonica development team in 2014 following post-doctoral research in Mathematics at the University of Leeds. Debbie has worked on performance benchmarking, the implementation of XQuery 3.1 features, and on developing the tools for creating Saxonica’s product documentation. She is now the lead developer for Saxon-JS.