An introduction to Greenfox, a schema language describing file system contents
Schema validation is like a prototype of the declarative approach – to describe, rather than to code. The tutorial introduces to Greenfox, a schema language for file system contents. Resources are described by shapes, which are sets of constraints. The goals of the tutorial are twofold. First, it should help to get started with using Greenfox. Second, it should awake an awareness that the same set of constraints can be described in a less or more declarative way. This possibility is above all opened by a new possibility, offered by the upcoming version of Greenfox, to describe resource relationships independently of the constraints using them. Participants might acquire an increased awareness that it is not sufficient to ask “if” declarative or not, but we should also ask “how” declarative, think about degrees of declarativeness.
Table of contents
- Abstract
- Part 1 – concepts
- Part 2 - constraint types
- Appendix
- Biographical notes
Part 1 – concepts
What is file system validation?
The term file system validation is used for an evaluation of a file system tree, defined as a selected root folder and all files and folders directly or indirectly contained. The evaluation is controlled by a Greenfox schema, which is a set of constraints. The primary outcome of validation is a set of validation results, one result per validation of a single resource against a single constraint. The validation result is structured information which identifies the resource and the constraint, asserts conformance or violation and includes details about a possible violation. The validation results are mapped to a validation report, which is a list of results or some derived representation, namely statistical information.
And why might you care?
We are used to and appreciate declarative validation of files, using well-known schema languages like XSD, RelaxNG, JSON Schema, SHACL. Our true interest, however, is often broader – we want systems to be valid, and an important aspect of systems is file system trees – trees of folders and files. Such trees may, for example, accommodate …
a product to be shipped
applications in use
components of infrastructure
data sources and assets
test results
a mixture of the aforementioned
In all cases we cannot help caring about whether everything is as expected - important processes depend on conformance of file system contents to expectations.
Greenfox is a proposal how to validate file system contents declaratively. It is still in an early stage, but at the end of its first year of development I believe the conceptual framework to have reached a certain maturity, capable of guiding future development. If the current scope of functionality addresses at least some of your requirements, you may obtain within hours what otherwise would cost you large developmental effort leading to lots of complex code. Using Greenfox you invest in an executable description of your expectations, rather than code. This characterization may be a slightly idealizing one, as the description may involve complex expressions which can be regarded as a sort of code; but by and large I think the statement is true. And I invite you to put it to a test.
The outline for this tutorial is this:
A guided tour, to give you an impression of the scope, look and feel of Greenfox
“Big picture” - concepts & major features
Overview of the available constraint types
Guided tour
Please see folder:
The material consists of eight schemas, each one adding complexity to the previous one:
airXY.gfox.xml (XQ = 01 … 08)
For each schema, there is also a pruned variant consisting only of what has been added in the last step:
Each schema is accompanied by a text document, giving explanations:
Big picture
A “big picture” is all important for an understanding of Greenfox. Consider this analogy – how to learn the XQuery language?
Learn concepts and principles;
Study the catalog of expressions (syntax + semantics)
A similar situation applies to Greenfox:
Learn concepts and principles;
Study the catalog of constraints (syntax + semantics)
Once you have understood concepts and principles, it is easy to extend your knowledge iteratively, familiarizing yourself with the various types of constraints, one at a time.
Seven things
The big picture which I propose is a collection of seven concepts:
Target declarations
Link definitions
We’ll deal with them one by one, and then we’re done.
There are two kinds of resources – folders and files.
A constraint is a logical function mapping a single resource to a validation result. A constraint has parameters, syntax and semantics. The syntax describes the representation of the constraint and its parameters. The semantics define how the validation result is determined. The guided tour showed you various examples, as a reminder here some further examples:
<fileSize eq="0"/>
<value exprXP="//@iata" length="3" distinct="true"/>
<valuePair expr1XP="/project/@minDate" count1="1"
expr2XP="//milestoneDate" minCount2="3"
<docSimilar linkName="referenceResponse">
<skipItem kind="attribute" localName="timestamp"/>
There are many kinds of constraints. The kind can be decomposed into a type and an optional subtype, called a facet. Examples: FileSizeEq, ValueLength, ValueDistinct, ValuePairCount1, ValuePairMinCount2. Constraints are represented by the content of constraint elements. A constraint element has a name equal to a constraint type, and attributes and child elements declaring one or several constraints of this type, each one with a different facets. Nodes can be shared by some or all constraints. In the following example, each attribute represents a constraint parameter used by one or more constraints:
<valuePair expr1XP="/project/@minDate" count1="1"
expr2XP="//milestoneDate" minCount2="3"
cmp="le" useDatatype="date"/>
Constraint element: <valuePair>
Constraint facet | Constraint parameters |
ValuePairCount1 | @expr1XP, @expr2XQ, @count1 |
ValuePairMinCount2 | @expr1XP, @expr2XQ, @minCount2 |
ValuePairLe | @expr1XP, @expr2XQ, @useDatatype |
Parameters are usually atomic, but there are also complex parameters, called record parameters. Example: ignoreValue
parameters of a
constraint, represented by a child element with attributes:
<docSimilar linkName="referenceDoc">
<ignoreValue kind="attribute" localName="timestamp"/>
A shape is a container for two things: a set of constraints and a target declaration:
The shape is represented by a
element -
The constraints are represented by child elements (or descendants) of the element
The target declaration is represented by attributes of the shape element.
<file uri="airports.xml">
<fileDate gt="2020-01-01"/>
<links exprXP="//@href"/>
In this example, the shape is represented by the <file>
element, the target declaration by the @uri attribute and the constraints
by the child elements of <file>
Target declaration
The target declaration may take several different forms – the most common ones being a relative URI (@uri) and a Foxpath expression (@navigateFOX). Here is a different example:
<file hrefXP="/*/(xs:include, xs:import)/@schemaLocation"
<value exprXP="/xs:schema/xs:redefine" empty="empty"/>
This target declaration is expressed by attributes @hrefXP and @recursive. It selects documents by recursively resolving URIs found in the nodes selected by an XPath expression. Independent of the kind of target declaration, the basic principle is that the target declaration is evaluated repeatedly, once for each resource selected by the parent shape and treating that resource as evaluation context. Consider:
<domain uri="/projects/abc-service">
<folder navigateFOX=".\\xsd-*">
<file navigateFOX="*.xsd">
<file hrefXP="/*/(xs:include, xs:import)/@schemaLocation"
<value exprXP="/xs:schema/xs:redefine" empty="empty"/>
Follow the trail of selection:
The target declaration of the folder shape selects all folders
under the domain folder. -
In each of these folders, all files
are selected. -
For each of these files, all directly or indirectly imported or included XSDs are selected.
The innermost <file>
shape is a child of another <file>
shape. There is nothing surprising about that. A parent/child
relationship between shapes does not mean that their target resources have a parent/child relationship; it means that the target
declaration of the child shape is evaluated once for each resource from the target of the parent shape, treating that resource as
evaluation context.
The analogy with path expression as defined by the XPath language should be noted. A path expression
is evaluated as follows:
Evaluate E1
For each item in the value of E1: evaluate E2, treating that item as evaluation context
For each item in the value of E2: evaluated E3, treating that item as evaluation context
The items obtained are the value of the path expression
Similarly, nested shapes like
<domain uri="…">
<folder TD1="…">
<file TD2="…">
<file TD3="…">…</file>
are evaluated as follows (note that attributes @TD* are placeholder for other attributes expressing a target declaration, e.g. @uri or @navigateFOX):
Evaluate targetDeclaration TD1, treating the domain folder as evaluation context
For each folder in the value of TD1: evaluate TD2, treating that folder as evaluation context
For each file in the value of TD2: evaluate TD3, treating that file as evaluation context
The files obtained are the target of the innermost file shape
Link definitions
Target declarations are mappings – they map a resource from the target of the parent shape to a set of resources added to the target of the current shape. Such mappings are also required by binary constraints – constraint types designed to be applied to a pair of resources. An example is the DocSimilar constraint type. Consider:
<docSimilar linkName="referenceResponse">
<ignoreValue kind="attribute" localName="timestamp"/>
A DocSimilar constraint checks whether a given resource has content which is similar to the content of certain other resources. More precisely, the target resource is validated by comparing its contents to the contents of other resources selected by a link definition. What is a link definition? It specifies the mapping of a given resource called the context resource to a set of other resources called link target resources. (Distinguish between the terms link target resource and shape target resource, the latter often simply called target resource.)
Binary constraints use a link definition in order to determine the pairs of resources to which the checks must be applied. Resource
shapes use a link definition in order to determine the resource target. Although the goals are different, the means are the same, which is
supplying a link defintiion. As the syntactic means for specifying a target declaration (attributes and child elements) are independent of
how the link targets are used, resource shapes and binary constraints support the same set of attributes and child elements available for
link definition. For instance, attributes @uri, @navigateFOX and @uriXP are available in <file>
elements as well as in binary
constraint elements like <docSimilar>
or <valueCompared>
A link definition may be local – defined by attributes and child elements on the element in need of link targets; or it can be referenced by name. The schema may contain global link defintions which can be referenced by name. Example:
<greenfox greenfoxURI="… "xmlns="">
<!-- *** Context variables -->
<!-- *** Named link definitions -->
<linkDef name="hrefLinks" hrefXP="//*:href"/>
<!-- *** Domain and its shapes -->
<domain uri="…" name="dc2020">
<file linkName="hrefLinks">…</file>
Results and Reports
What is the outcome of Greenfox validation? The validation of a file system tree against a Greenfox schema is a processing which is composed of a fundamental building block - validation of a single resource against a single constraint. The execution of such a constraint validation produces an element called a validation result,:
resource + constraint = validation-result
In the typical case, the validation of a single resource against a single constraint produces a single validation result. In some well-defined cases, more results can be produced. This is always the case when a binary constraint has more than one link target resource.
The validation result is an element named after a colour which signals conformance – red, yellow, green. In the very special case that a validation is only performed in order to assist another validation – e.g. for checking a condition defined by a Conditional constraint – this subordinate role is signaled by a composite colour - whitered, whiteyellow and whitegreen results.
The primary outcome of validating a file system tree against a Greenfox schema is a collection of validation results, which is mapped to a validation report:
file-system-tree | + | Greenfox-schema | = | validation-result+ |
validation-result+ | + | call-parameters | = | validation-report |
Currently, the default report is statistical – it does not expose the validation results themselves. Example:
G r e e n f o x r e p o r t s u m m a r y
greenfox: C:/tt/greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020/schema/air03.gfox.xml
domain: C:/tt/greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air
#red: 2 (2 resources)
#green: 41 (4 resources)
| Constraint Comp | #red | #green |
| FileSizeEq ............. | - | 1 |
| FolderContentClosed .... | - | 1 |
| FolderContentMemberFile | - | 1 |
| FolderContentMemberFiles | - | 6 |
| FolderContentMinCount .. | - | 1 |
| TargetCount ............ | - | 1 |
| TargetMinCount ......... | - | 2 |
| ValueDatatype .......... | - | 3 |
| ValueEq ................ | - | 3 |
| ValueItemsDistinct ..... | 1 | 2 |
| ValueLt ................ | 1 | 2 |
| ValueMatches ........... | - | 3 |
| ValueMinCount .......... | - | 15 |
Red resources:
F C:/declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-denmark.xml (ValueItemsDistinct)
F C:/declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-ireland.xml (ValueLt)
There are two red results – in order to see these red elements, repeat the call with option –r (for “red”), a report type providing all red validation results, grouped by resource:
<gx:validationReport … reportType="red" reportMediatype="application/xml">
<gx:redResources count="2">
*** C:/tt/greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-denmark.xml
<gx:redResource file="C: /declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-denmark.xml">
<gx:red msg="IDs not distinct"
resourceShapeID="file_2" distinct="true" valueCount="31" exprLang="xpath"
expr="//airport/@id" quantifier="all">
<gx:value nodePath="/airportsForCountry[1]/airport[1]/@id">607</gx:value>
<gx:value nodePath="/airportsForCountry[1]/airport[2]/@id">607</gx:value>
*** C:/ declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-ireland.xml
<gx:redResource file="C:/declarative-amsterdam-2020/data/air/airports/index/airports-ireland.xml">
<gx:red msg="Airport too high"
resourceShapeID="file_2" lt="1000"
<gx:value nodePath="/airportsForCountry[1]/airport[6]/geo[1]/altitude[1]">1319</gx:value>
<gx:value nodePath="/airportsForCountry[1]/airport[16]/geo[1]/altitude[1]">1001</gx:value>
A glance suffices to understand that validation results are very fine-grained structured information. A key goal of Greenfox is to ensure access to finest-grained information about the state of the system under investigation.
The use of validation reports may be facilitated by requesting filtered results: use options to filter by constraint type (-F) or by resource name (-R). Selection can be very fine-grained, using inclusive and exclusive name filters. The following invocation
gfox … -C "value* ~*count*" -R "*ireland* *finland*"
filters validation results: include only results for particular constraints (matching *value*, but not matching *count*) and particular resources (matching *ireland* or *finland*).
Further important topics
Striving for a basic understanding of Greenfox, you have two main tasks:
Familiarize yourself with key concepts and principles
Get a cursory overview of the available constraint types
You already got an overview of the basic building blocks of validation input and output: resources, constraints, shapes, target declarations, link definitions, results and reports. The next step is learning about a set of concepts also required for understanding the logic of Greenfox validation:
Available expression languages
The evaluation context
The dealing with non-XML mediatypes
The context element of a Greenfox schema
Link model and link resolution
A basic syntax rule
Expression languages
These expression languages are supported:
Foxpath is an extended version of XPath 3.0, supporting file system navigation, node tree navigation and mixing both within an
expression. This makes it a tool for solving tasks of file system navigation with the ease and elegance you are used to from XPath. As
Foxpath supports both, file system and node tree navigation, it uses two step separators, the slash (separating steps of conventional
path expressions) and backslash – separating steps of file system navigation. A few examples give you an impression. You can try out the
examples yourself using the fox
command-line tool, found in the bin folder of the Greenfox project. Pass the Foxpath expression to the
script. In the following example expressions, $da2020
should be replaced with the absolute or relative path of the
folder. Any linefeeds in the examples below have been added for readability and must not be used on the
command-line. Using option –b, the separators for file system and node tree navigation are backslash and slash, respectively. Without
option –b, their roles are swapped.
fox -b "$da2020\data\air\airports\index\*"
Result: the file paths of all files and folders in the index folder
fox -b "$da2020\data\\airport-*.xml\ancestor~::*[parent~::countries]\file-name()"
Result: the names of folders containing airport XML files. Note the use of reverse navigation axes (ancestor~::, parent~::), the use of a predicate and a non-navigational path step.
fox -b "$da2020\data\\airports\index\*.xml
[/airportsForCountry[.//latitude[xs:decimal(.) lt 10]]]"
Result: the file paths of XML files with a <airportsForCountry>
root element and a latitude less than 10. Note the use of
node tree navigation in a predicate of file system navigation.
Foxpath can deal with non-XML formats (JSON, CSV, HTML) as if they were XML, parsing them into node trees:
fox -b "$da2020\data\\airport-*.json[jdoc()//timezone = 0] => count()"
Result: The number of JSON airport documents containing a timezone equal 0.
fox -b "$da2020\data\air\resources\openflights\*.csv
[csv-doc()/csv/record[*[4] = 'Papua New Guinea']]"
Result: CSV documents with a record which holds in the fourth column the value “Papua New Guinea”
Using CSV files, parameters are available for dealing with non-comma separators and headlines. Example:
fox -b "$da2020\data\resources\geo\cow.csv\csv-doc(., 'semicolon', 'yes')
/csv/record/ISOen_name[. ne ../ISOen_proper]
/concat(., ';', ../ISOen_proper)"
Result: A sorted list of all pairs – ISOen_name ; ISOen_proper – where the two are different (what is rare).
In Greenfox, you use Foxpath for various purposes:
As target declaration, selecting the target resources of a shape
As link definition, selecting the link target resources of a link definition
As resource value to be checked against constraints (e.g. Foxvalue constraints)
Foxpath expressions are contained by attributes with the name suffix FOX.
Examples: @navigateFOX, @exprFOX, @expr1FOX, @reflector2FOX.
XPath (version 3.1) is used for the following purposes:
As resource value to be checked against constraints (e.g. Value constraints)
As focus node, shifting the evaluation context to selected inner nodes
As part of link definitions, e.g. selecting link context nodes or constructing URIs
XPath expressions are contained by attributes with the name suffix XP.
Examples: @contextXP, @targetXP, @exprXP.
LinePath expressions are XPath expressions evaluated in the context of a document obtained by representing the lines of a text file by
elements wrapped in a <lines>
element. This enables the use of XPath expressions for evaluating text content which
cannot be parsed into “normal” node trees. For example, the following LinePath expression selects a version number:
/lines/line[matches(.,"^Version:")]/replace(.,"^Version:\s*(.+)\s*$", "$1 ")
LinePath expressions are contained by attributes with the name suffix LP.
Examples: @exprLP, @expr1LP, @expr2LP
NodePath is a deliberately simplistic navigation language which is used for describing document tree structure. The syntax is similar to XPath.
NodePath expressions are contained by attributes with the name suffix NP.
Example: @locNP
Evaluation context
When expressions are evaluated, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the evaluation context. The evaluation context comprises the initial context item and variable bindings.
Foxpath context
In Greenfox, the context item of a Foxpath expression is always a resource URI, not a node. As a rule, the resource is either a shape target resource (the resource which is currently validated), or a link target resource.
The choice of context resource (the resource providing the context item) depends on the attribute containing the expression. Ignoring a couple of exceptions (see Table variable bindings), the context resource is the …
Link target resource - if the expression attribute is
Shape target resource - otherwise
If existent, relevant nodes are made available via variable bindings:
Nodes of the shape target resource (
$doc, $focusNode, $linkContext, $lines
) -
Nodes of the link target resource (
$targetDoc, $targetNode
The evaluation context also comprises further variables with atomic values: $fileName, $filePath, $domain
, as well as the name-value
pairs defined by the <field>
children of the <context>
element. The variable bindings available in Foxpath and XPath
expressions are summarized in Appendix A1:
Variable bindings.
XPath context
In Greenfox, the context item of an XPath expression is usually a document node or a focus node.
It is a focus node if the relevant constraint has a <focusNode>
ancestor. A <focusNode>
element selects nodes from the
target documents of the containing shape. Consider this schematic example
<file navigateFOX=".\\geo.xml'">
<focusNode selectXP=".//continent"> <!-- Visit <continent> nodes -->
<!-- Check: continents--> <!-- Context item: a <continent> -->
<focusNode selectXP=".//country"> <!-- Visit <country> nodes -->
<!-- Check: countries--> <!-- Context item: a <country> -->
<focusNode selectXP=".//province"> <!-- Visit <province> nodes -->
<!-- Check: provinces--> <!-- Context item: a <province> -->
A special rule applies if the expression is the value of attribute @expr2XP and has a sibling attribute @expr2Context with the value item. Example:
<valuePair expr1XP="//country/@name"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="Name attribute and name children inconsistent"/>
In this constellation, the expression in @expr2 is re-evaluated for each item from @expr1* and using that item as context item. In all other cases, the context item is the document node of the context resource.
The choice of context resource (shape target or link target) depends on the attribute containing the expression. The context resource is the …
Link target resource – if expression attribute is
, or is@expr2XP
in a<ValueCompared>
element -
Shape target resource - otherwise
The same variable bindings are available as for Foxpath expressions. See Foxpath context for details.
LinePath context
The name LinePath is used for XPath expressions evaluated in the context of a “lines document”, which is a <lines>
element with <line>
child elements representing the lines of the file text content. The expressions are contained by attributes
with a name *LP.
The evaluation context of expressions in most attributes @*LP is equal to the context of the XPath expression in an attribute with a matching name (trailing “LP” replaced by “XP”):
@exprLP – same context as @exprXP
@expr1LP – same context as @expr1XP
@expr2LP – same context as @expr2XP
@contextLP – same context as @contextXP
@targetXP – same context as @targetXP
The context resource (shape target resource or link target resource) is however represented by a lines document, not by the node tree obtained by parsing the resource according to its mediatype.
Special rules apply to expressions in attributes @filter*LP and @map*LP:
expressions in @filter*LP are re-evaluated in the context of each
element from the<lines>
document -
expressions in @map*LP are re-evaluated in the context of each
element selected by the accompanying @filter*LP
NodePath context
The context item of a NodePath expression is a node from the set of instance nodes represented by the parent element of the element containing the NodePath expression – or the root node of the shape target, if there is no such parent. Currently, no variable bindings are supported. Example:
<node locNP="//temporal" maxCount="unbounded" closed="true">
<node locNP="timezone"/>
<node locNP="timezoneTz"/>
<node locNP="dst"/>
Here, …
evaluation of expression //
uses as context item the root node of the target resource -
evaluation of the expressions
timezone, timezoneTz
uses as context item a<temporal>
element represented by the parent<node>
Dealing with non-XML mediatypes
Greenfox supports XPath-based evaluation of non-XML resources.
Node tree representations of non-XML resources
The following mediatypes are represented by node trees as returned by the corresponding parsing function of BaseX:
JSON – as returned by BaseX functions: json:parse, json:doc
CSV – as returned by BaseX functions: csv:parse, csv:doc
HTML – as returned by BaseX functions: html:parse, html:doc
For text files of any format (including the ones listed above) a lines doc representation is available, which
can be navigated using LinePath expressions. A lines doc has a <lines>
root element with one child element
per text line, containing the line as text content.
Example – the following text file (four lines):
createAt: 2020-10-03T20:32:31.665+02:00
status: active
version: 1.002
by: ABC/XX1
is represented by the following lines doc:
<lines> <line>createAt: 2020-10-03T20:32:31.665+02:00</line>
<line>status: active</line>
<line>version: 1.002</line>
<line>by: ABC/XX1</line>
It can be navigated using LinePath expressions (@*LP). For example, the following constraint checks the version:
<value exprLP="//line[starts-with(., 'version:')]/replace(., 'version:\s*', '' )"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: timezoneZt"
eq="1.002" eqMsg="Not the expected version"/>
Instead of a single LinePath expression, also a pair consisting of line filter expression and a line map expression can be used:
a line filter expression is an XPath expression evaluated in the context of each <line>
a line map expression is an XPath expression evaluated in the context of each <line>
element for which the line
filter expression yields a true
effective boolean value
the items returned by the repeated evaluation of the line map expression are combined into a value which is the value of the line filter / line map expression pair
<value filterLP="starts-with(., 'version:')"
mapLP="replace(., 'version:\s*', '' )"
count="1" countMsg="Missing entry: version"
eq="1.002" eqMsg="Not the expected version"/>
The lines doc is available for every file with text content – it is not necessary to annotate the shape element. This is different for the non-XML mediatypes parsed by BaseX functions as described above.
Shape target resource
Contrary to the generic (and somewhat primitive) LineDoc representation, specific node tree representations of non-XML mediatypes must be requested explicitly. The first approach is to “annotate” a shape as targeting resources of a particular mediatype, using attribute @mediatype with one of the values json, csv, html:
<file mediatype="json"…>…</file>
<file mediatype="csv"… >…</file>
<file mediatype="html"…>…</file>
Greenfox will automatically parse the target resources of the shape into a node tree representation. It is the implicit evaluation context for any XPath expression used in a constraint of the shape (excluding @expr2XP in binary constraints). Here comes an example where a shape targets JSON files and submits them to a value constraint based on an XPath expression:
<file navigateXP="airport.json" mediatype="json">
<value exprXP="//iata" length="3"/>
In the case of mediatype CSV, further attributes are available for controlling the parsing of the CSV file into a node tree:
@csv.separator - the separator, identified by one of the tokens
comma, semicolon, colon, tab,space
, or a single character -
@csv.header – a switch indicating whether the first line of the file contains column headers (value
) -
@csv.format – controls the representation of JSON names, if JSON names are used as XML element names (value
) or provided by XML @name attributes (valueattributes
Link target resource
Like shape elements, also link definition elements have an optional attribute @mediatype, which may have one of the values xml, json,
csv, html
. When the attribute is used, link resolution includes a final step of parsing the link target into a node tree representation.
If the parsing fails, link resolution as a whole is considered a failure.
A link definition has additional optional attributes controlling the parsing of CSV targets. These are the same attributes as allowed on a shape element(@csv.separator, @csv.header, @csv.format).
Expression context
The node tree representation of the current shape target resource is bound to a variable $doc
, available in any XPath or Foxpath
expression used in a constraint of the shape, or in a link definition referenced by such a constraint (see Expression context). In the following example, the $doc
variable is
referenced by the “second” expression of a ValueCompared constraint:
<linkDef linkName="projects" navigateFOX="…" mediatype="csv">
<file navigateFOX="…" mediatype"json">
<valuesCompared linkName="projects">
expr2XP="//project[@id eq $doc//projectId]/startDate"/>
Note that @expr2XP is evaluated in the context of a link target resource, not the shape target resource, so that $doc
is required for access to data from the shape target resource. Also note that the link target resource is a CSV document, whereas the
shape target resource is a JSON document. The constraint thus uses an expression evaluating JSON contents (@expr1XP) and a second
expression evaluating CSV contents (@expr2XP), yet also accessing JSON contents (referencing $doc
Foxpath function calls
Independently of the current resource from the shape target, Foxpath expressions may contain function calls for parsing arbitrary non-XML resources into node trees:
- parses a JSON resource into a node tree -
- parses an HTML resource into a node tree -
- parses a CSV resource into a node tree
The function cdoc
() has further optional parameters corresponding to the shape attributes controlling CSV parsing (@csv.separator,
@csv.header and @csv.format):
cdoc($uri, $separator)
cdoc($uri, $separator, $headerFlag,
cdoc($uri, $separator, $headerFlag, $format)
The context element of a Greenfox schema
The <context>
element can be used in order to define name/value pairs receiving their values from call parameters, passed in by the
user requesting Greenfox validation. Before validation, the schema is modified by replacing textual variable references
(syntax: ${varname}
) with the variable values. References may be used in any attribute value. While this replacement is a purely textual
operation, the evaluation context of expressions is also extended by corresponding variable bindings, enabling
expressional variable references (syntax: $varname
) – references treated as subexpressions, exactly like references to
other, built-in variables (see Evaluation context). As an example, when
invoking the following schema
<greenfox …>
<field name="maxDate"/>
<domain …>
<file …>
<fileDate lt="${maxDate}"/>
the caller controls validation by supplying a value for context variable maxDate
gfox myschema.xml /a/b/c -v maxDate=2019-12-31
The variable is also added to the evaluation context of expressions. Here is a shape which targets files with a file date greater than
the user supplied maxDate
<file navigateFOX=".\\*[file-date() gt $maxDate]">…</file>
Note the syntactical difference between variable references evaluated as part of expressions ($foo
) and textual variable references
indicating textual substitution (${foo}
Variable names must be NCNames (names which might be used as XML names) and must not start with an underscore. A call supplying values
for undefined context variables is rejected with an error message. Variable default values can be defined using a @value attribute on the
<field name="maxDate" value="2019-06-30"/>
Values assignment can use literals (@value), Foxpath expressions (@valueFOX) or XPath expressions (@valueXP). The context item for a Foxpath expresssion is the URI of the schema document, the context item for an XPath expression is the root node of the schema document. For example, in the following context
<field name="domain" valueFOX="ancestor~::decl*\data"/>
the variable value is the file path of the data
folder contained by a folder matching name pattern decl
* and reached by upward navigation
starting at the schema document.
A call must provide values for all context variables without a default value. A call failing to do so is rejected with an error message. Variable references can also be used within the context. Example:
<field name="extension" value="json"/>
<field name="logFileName" value="log.msgs-${extension}.txt"
Several built-in context variables may be referenced as if they had been declared by the user:
domain – the resource URI of the domain folder
currentDate – the current date
currentDateTime – the current date time
Link resolution
Speaking generally, a link definition is a function mapping a resource to other resources. This definition conveys the basic idea, but it leaves important details unclear, in particular the use of resource fragments. Greenfox is based on a detailed link model, which should be regarded as an elaboration of the basic idea, not as a replacement.
Abstract link model
A link is a directed association between two resources: a resource – called the link context – is mapped to another resource – called the link target. Details:
The link context is either a complete resource or a resource fragment, understood as a single node from a node tree representation of resource contents.
The link target is either a complete resource or a fragment, understood as a set of nodes from a node tree representation of resource contents.
A link definition is a mapping of input to output:
The input of a link definition is a resource URI, called the context resource URI.
The output of a link definition is a set of links, each one described by a set of information items together called a link resolution object:
Context resource URI
Optionally: context resource tree (node tree representation of the context resource)
Optionally: context resource fragment (a single node from the context resource tree)
Target resource URI
Optionally: target resource tree (node tree representation of the target resource)
Optionally: target resource fragment (set of nodes from the target resource tree)
Note that a context resource fragment is a single node, whereas a target resource fragment is a set of nodes.
A link definition can be divided into three components:
Context selector – selection of context resource fragments (optional)
Resource connector – selection of target resources
Target selector – selection of target resource fragment (optional)
The optional context selector selects nodes from the link context resource. In the following example, the context selector
is given by an XPath expression (@contextXP) selecting <airport>
elements from the context resource:
<linkDef name="airports"
uriXP="concat('', @iata)"/>
Each selected <airport>
is used as the link context of a distinct link. As the context selector is optional, the link context is
determined by these rules:
In the presence of a context selector, the link context is a node returned by the selector
Otherwise, and if the context resource as represented by a node tree, the link context is a node from the resource tree – the root node or a focus node
Otherwise, it is the resource URI of the context resource
The mandatory resource connector maps the link context to target resources. In the example above, the connector is an
XPath expression (@uriXP) constructing target URIs. The resource connector is re-evaluated for each link context – here, for each
element returned by the context selector. Evaluation uses the link context – here, the <airport>
element - as
context item. The @iata attribute referenced by the expression is thus an attribute of the <airport>
element. XPath and other
expressions can also access the link context via variable binding $linkContext
If the link definition does not contain a context selector, the resource connector is evaluated only once. In this case, the context item used for XPath expressions used by the connector is the root node of the context resource, or a focus node from that resource. If the context resource cannot be parsed into a resource tree (e.g. because it is a folder), the resource connector must not use any XPath expressions requiring a context resource tree (@uriXP, @hrefXP, templateVar/@valueXP).
As the following link definition does not contain a context selector (there is no @selectXP):
<linkDef name="airports"
uriXP="//airport/@iata/concat('', .)"/>
the resource connector will be evaluated only once. Also here each <airport>
element is mapped to a target resource URI, and
therefore also here we get one link per <airport>
element. These links (more precisely: these link resolution objects) do not
identify a context resource fragment, thus do not contain information about the individual <airport>
element used in order to
construct the target URI. When validating the target resources, dependencies on the triggering <airport>
element can only be
checked when using the first link definition, although both link definitions yield the same set of target resources.
The optional target selector specifies a final step of evaluation, which is applied to each resource obtained from the
resource connector. Currently, the target selector can only be an XPath expression (@targetXP). The initial context item for its
evaluation is the root node of a node tree representation of the target resource. Use of a target selector is therefore only possible if
the target resource can be parsed into a node tree. As long as this is the case, a target selector can be added, changed or removed
independently of the resource connector and the context selector, as the selection of a target fragment is a final step of evaluation
without impact on any preceding step. Here comes an example how we can extend the previous link definition so that it maps each link
context (<airport>
element in the link context resource) to a target resource fragment which is a <geo>
<linkDef name="airports"
uriXP="concat('', @iata)"
Resource connectors
The resource connector is the key piece of a link defintion, as it maps the context resource to other resources. Such mappings may be defined in very different ways, e.g. locating target URIs in the content of the context resource, constructing target URIs from pieces of data found in the context resource contents, or evaluating a Foxpath expression. These different approaches are modeled as connector types: each connector type has a specific set of parameters. The current version of the Greenfox language supports six different connector types. Each connector type has a specific set of parameters, summarized in the following table. Future versions of the Greenfox language may support additional connector types, as well as additional parameters for the types currently included.
Connector Type | Parameter | Meaning | Note |
uri | @uri | The URI of the link target. | The URI may be relative or absolute. When it is relative, it is evaluated relative to the context resource URI, however treating
this context URI as if it had a trailing slash – e.g. uri="foo" selects the foo child of the context
resource, not the foo sibling |
uri-expression | @uriXP | XPath expression returning the URIs of the link targets. | When evaluating the XPath expression, the context item is a node from the context resource tree: a node returned by the context selector, if the link definition contains a context selector, or the root node or a focus node, otherwise. Relative URIs are resolved against the context resource URI in the standard way (not assuming a trailing slash). |
href-expression | @hrefXP | XPath expression returning nodes which contain the URIs of the link targets. | Evaluation context item and resolving of relative URIs as in the case of @uriXP. |
uri-template | @uriTemplate | A template to be resolved to the URIs of the link targets; with placeholders for template variables defined by
<templateVar> child elements |
Template variable references are replaced by single items from the template variable values; each combination of value items yields a URI. Resolving of relative URIs as in the case of @uriXP |
templateVar/ @name |
Name of a template variable | Must be an NCName. | |
templateVar/ @valueXP |
XPath expression returning the variable value | Evaluation context item as in the case of @uriXP. | |
mirror |
@reflector1URI | @reflector1FOX |
URI of reflector 1, or a Foxpath expression returning that URI; reflector1 is a folder containing the link context resource, which is mapped to a link target resource found at the same relative path under folder reflector2 as the context resource is found under reflector1. | When specified as a URI, it may be relative or absolute; resolving of a relative URI as in the case of @uri; when specified as a Foxpath expression, the context item is the context resource URI and the expression value must contain at most one item; URI and FOX variants may be combined with URI and FOX variants for reflector2. |
@reflector2URI | @reflector2FOX |
URI of reflector2, or a Foxpath expression returning that URI | A relative URI is resolved against the URI of reflector1; when specified as a Foxpath expression, the context item is the URI of reflector1; see parameter @reflector1URI or @reflector1FOX for more information. | |
@reflected- -ReplaceSubstring |
The URI obtained from the reflectors is modified by replacing this substring with a string supplied by @reflectedReplaceWith | Describes an optional editing of the preliminary target URI obtained from the reflectors | |
@reflected- -ReplaceWith |
The URI obtained from the reflectors is modified by replacing the substring supplied by @reflected-ReplaceSubstring with this string | Describes an optional editing of the preliminary target URI obtained from the reflectors | |
foxpath | @navigateFOX | A Foxpath expression returning the link target resources. | Atomic value items are interpreted as link target URIs, and node items are interpreted as nodes from the node tree representation of a target resource |
Resolving link definitions – pseudo code
The evaluation of a link definition can be described by pseudo-code (see listing below). The pseudo-code relies on four pseudo functions:
- parses a URI into a node tree; -
apply-expression(expr, context-item)
- evaluates an expression -
apply-connector(connector, context-point)
- evaluates a resource connector -
LRO(target-uri, target-tree, target-nodes, context-uri, context-tree, context-node
) – constructs a Link Resolution Object
Listing 1. Pseudo-code of the evaluation of a link definition. The link definition is represented by a Link Definition Object ($LDO); evaluation output is a sequence of Link Resolution Objects (LROs).
LROs($context-uri, $LDO):
let $context-tree = null
let $context-points :=
if (exists($LDO.context-selector)):
let $context-tree = node-tree($context-uri)
apply-expression($LDO.context-selector, $context-tree)
if ($LDO.resource-connector.requires-node-tree):
for each $context-point in $context-points:
let $target-uris := apply-connector($LDO.connector, $context-point)
for each $target-uri in $target-uris:
if (exists($
let $target-tree := node-tree($target-uri)
let $target-fragment :=
apply-expression($, $target-tree)
LRO($target-uri, $target-tree, $target-fragment,
$context-uri, $context-tree, $context-point)
if ($LDO.expects-target-tree):
let $target-tree := node-tree($target-uri)
LRO($target-uri, $target-tree, null,
$context-uri, $context-tree, $context-point)
LRO($target-uri, null, null,
$context-uri, $context-tree, $context-point)
Recursive links
A link definition may be recursive (@recursive="true"). In this case the mapping of link context resource to link target resources is recursively applied to every link target returned, and the link definition maps a context resource to all target resources discovered. Example:
<linkDef name="xsd-import"
recursive="true "/>
Link errors
The description of a link (Link Resolution Object) may include an error condition, as summarized by the following table.
Error code | Meaning |
no_resource | No resource found at the link target URI. |
no_text | Link target resource is binary, but a text resource was expected. |
not_json | Link target resource not a well-formed JSON document. |
not_xml | Link target resource not a well-formed XML document. |
href_selection_not_nodes | A href selector expression yields non-node items. |
no_uri | Failed to determine a link target URI. |
Link constraints
A link definition may include constraints which define successful resolution of the link definition as a whole, rather than on the
level of the individual links. Constraints are expressed by attributes of a <targetSize>
child element, which is a child element
of the link defining element. Example:
uriXP="concat('', @iata)">
Constraints built into a link definition are validated whenever the link definition is used. Available constraints are summarized in the Table of link constraints.
XML representation of a link definition
The XML representation of a link definition is a set of attributes and child elements in the content of a link defining element:
Optional context selector: @contextXP
Optional target selector: @targetXP
Mandatory connector: one of the following
URI template parameters:
<templateVar> child elements with attributes @name and @valueXP
Mirror parameters:
@reflector1URI or @reflector1FOX
@reflector2URI or @reflector2FOX
Optional: @replaceSubstring, @replaceWith
Optional constraints:
child element with attributes as described in the Table of link constraints
The element containing the link defining attributes and elements can be
element representing a named, global link definition; the element has also a @name attribute declaring the name of the link definition -
Some other element with semantics requiring a link definition:
A syntax rule to remember
The Greenfox language supports several expression languages, and in some cases a particular detail can be expressed in alternative ways, using different languages. For example, the expression underlying a Value constraint may be expressed as an XPath expression (@exprXP), as a Foxpath expression (@exprFOX), as a LinePath expression (@exprLP) or as a pair of LinePath expressions (@filterLP, @mapLP). In other cases, increased flexibility by allowing a choice of expression languages is planned (e.g. for link context selectors). A simple naming rule should help you avoid confusion: attributes expecting an expression have a name suffix indicating the expression language:
suffix XP – value is an XPath expression
suffix FOX – value is a Foxpath expression
suffix LP – value is a LinePath expression
suffix NP – value is a NodePath expression
The following table lists for each attribute name suffix the names of all attributes.
Attribute name suffix | Meaning | Attribute names |
XP | Value is an XPath expression |
contextXP expr1XP, expr2XP, exprXP hrefXP ifXP itemXP targetXP uriXP valueXP |
FOX | Value is a Foxpath expression |
expr1FOX, expr2FOX, exprFOX reflector1FOX, reflector2FOX valueFOX xsdFOX |
LP | Value is a LinePath expression |
expr1LP, expr2LP, exprLP filter1LP, filter2LP, filterLP map1LP, map2LP, mapLP |
NP | Value is a NodePath expression | locNP |
Part 2 - constraint types
Having acquired an idea of the basic concepts of Greenfox, the next thing to do is familiarize yourself with the major constraint types available (currently 19).
The following table summarizes these types, including information whether the constraint can be used for folders or files only, whether it considers the resource in isolation or in the context of other resources, and whether the constraint is concerned with resource properties or resource contents.
For each constraint type, a varying number of constraint facets is available. A unary constraint is applied to single resources, a binary constraint is applied to pairs of resources. An open constraint allows impact by other resources than the one being validated and the second resource of a pair
Constraint type | Element |
File (F) or Folder (D) |
Unary/Binary (U|B) / Closed/Open (C|O) |
Resource properties (P) or content (C) |
FileDate | <fileDate> | F, D | U/C | P |
FileName | <fileName> | F, D | U/C | P |
FileSize | <fileSize> | F, D | U/C | P |
FolderContent | <folderContent> | D | U/C | C |
Mediatype | <mediatype> | F | U/C | C |
DocTree | <docTree> | F | U/C | C |
HyperdocTree | <hyperdocTree> | F, D | U/O | C |
XsdValid | <xsdValid> | F | U/C | C |
Value | <value> | F | U/C | C |
ValuePair | <valuePair> | F | U/C | C |
Foxvalue | <foxvalue> | F, D | U/O | C |
FoxvaluePair | <foxvaluePair> | F, D | U/O | C |
ValueCompared | <valueCompared> | F | B/C | C |
FoxvalueCompared | <foxvalueCompared> | F, D | B/O | C |
DocSimilar | <docSimilar> | F | B/C | C |
FolderSimilar | <folderSimilar> | D | B/C | C |
Link | <links> | F, D | U/O | (depends) |
TargetSize | <targetSize> | F, D | U/O | (depends) |
Conditional | <conditional> | F, D | (depends) | (depends) |
Constraint types - details
The section offers for each constraint type a description.
FileDate constraints check the last-modified property of the target resource. Checks are comparisons with literal strings (greater than, equal to, etc.) or attempts to match the timestamp against string patterns or regular expressions.
Facets: eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge, like, notLike, matches, notMatches.
<fileDate le="2020-07-08" leMsg="File from 2020-07-08 or later"/>
<fileDate ne="2020-04-11T00:11:17.142Z" neMsg="This file version not allowed"/>
<fileDate like="2020*" likeMsg="File not from 2020"/>
<fileDate matches="T04|T05" matchesMsg="File update not 04:00-06:00"/>
FileName constraints check the name of the target resource. Checks are comparisons with literal strings (greater than, equal to, etc.) or attempts to match the name against string patterns or regular expressions.
Facets: eq, ne, like, notLike, matches, notMatches.
like="airport*.json" likeMsg="JSON files must match pattern 'airport*.json" notLike="*test*"
notLikeMsg="JSON files must not match pattern '*test*'"/>
likeMsg="Billions of dollars are wasted by using whitespace in file names"/>
FileSize constraints check the file size of the target resource, measured as number of bytes. Checks are comparisons with integer numbers.
Facets: eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge.
<fileSize gt="0" gtMsg="Empty files not allowed"
le="1000000" leMsg="Files larger 1MB not allowed"/>
<fileSize ne="1029920" neMsg="File size unchanged"/>
FolderContent constraints check the content of a folder – presence and absence of files and the number of files matching a name pattern. Checks may include file hash keys.
Facets: closed, minCount, maxCount, count, excludedMember
<folderContent closed="true" ignoredMembers="xml-in* xml-out*">
excludedMemberFileMsg="xxx code in production"/>
<memberFolder name="log" minCount="0"/>
<memberFile name="airport-*.xml" maxCount="unbounded"/>
<memberFile name="ONLINE.FLAG"/>
<memberFile name="STATUS.txt"/>
Mediatype constraints check the mediatype of the target resource. It is checked if the resource has one of the mediatypes XML, JSON or CSV. In case of CSV, optional additional constraints refer to the number of rows and the numbers of columns.
Facets: eq, csv.columnCount, csv.columnMinCount, csv.columnMaxCount,
csv.rowCount, csv.rowMinCount, csv.rowMaxCount.
<mediatype eq="json"/>
<mediatype eq="xml json"/>
<mediatype eq="csv"/>
<mediatype eq="csv" csv.separator="semicolon" csv.withHeader="true"/>
<mediatype eq="csv" csv.separator="semicolon" csv.header="yes"
csv.columnCount="71" csv.columnCountMsg="Not expected number of columns"
csv.rowCount="249" csv.rowCountMsg="Not expected number of rows"/>
A DocTree constraint checks the tree structure of the target resource. It may describe the complete document tree, or any number of
subtrees. The following example describes two subtrees, rooted in <temporal>
and <geo>
nodes found in the document tree:
<node locNP="//temporal" maxCount="unbounded" closed="true">
<node locNP="timezone"/>
<node locNP="timezoneTz"/>
<node locNP="dst"/>
<node locNP="//geo" maxCount="unbounded">
<node locNP="latitude"/>
<node locNP="longitude"/>
A tree descriptor is a tree of model nodes representing:
an instance node -
a choice between alternatives-
a group of nodes -
The structure is fully recursive – any node may contain nodes of any kind, in any number and in any order. Note that the order of sibling
nodes is irrelevant – tree structure is treated as unordered, irrespective of the mediatype (XML, JSON, …). Every node
descriptor (<node>
) has a navigation path (@locNP) describing how instance nodes are reached from the instance nodes
described by the parent node descriptor, or from the root node if there is no parent node descriptor. By default, every node descriptor
corresponds to exactly one instance node per instance node of the parent node descriptor. Different cardinality constraints can be
expressed using attributes @count, @minCount and @maxCount.
Parent-child relationships within the tree descriptor are logical, not necessarily physical: the physical relationship is given by the navigation path. A logical parent-child relationship corresponds to a physical parent-child relationship if the navigation path has a single step along the child axis. In the following example, the logical parent-child relationships correspond to parent-child, element-attribute and more complex navigational relationships:
<node locNP="//geo" maxCount="unbounded">
<node locNP="../@icao"/>
<node locNP="latitude"/>
<node locNP="longitude"/>
<node locNP="../temporal/timezone"/>
Tree descriptions may stop at any point, representing a complex node without its child nodes. For example, the node descriptor
<node locNP="temporal"/>
may describe a leaf node, but it may also describe an intermediate node the child nodes of which are left unspecified.
Any node descriptor is by default open, meaning that its instance nodes may contain child nodes unrelated to the tree descriptor. A node descriptor may be closed (@closed="true"), meaning that all child nodes of the instance nodes are described by the child node descriptors and their navigation paths. More precisely, each child node of an instance node must be matched by an initial (or only) navigation step along the child axis, occurring in the navigation path of a child node descriptor. In this example:
<node locNP="//airport" closed="true">
<node locNP="country"/>
<node locNP="geo/latitude"/>
<node locNP="geo/longitude"/>
the instance nodes are expected to have two child nodes, <country>
and <geo>
By default, the node names used in the path expressions are matched against the local names of the instance nodes. Names are
interpreted as lexical QNames if <docTree>
has attribute @withNamespaces equal true
The following example shows a DocTree constraint describing two subtrees:
<node locNP="//temporal" maxCount="unbounded">
<node locNP="timezone" closed="true"/>
<node locNP="timezoneTz"/>
<node locNP="dst"/>
<node locNP="//airport" maxCount="unbounded" closed="true">
<node locNP="@id"/>
<node locNP="@icao"/>
<node locNP="@createdAt"/>
<node locNP="@iata"/>
<node locNP="@latitude"/>
<node locNP="@longitude"/>
<node locNP="@href"/>
<node locNP="@comment" minCount="0"/>
<node locNP="name"/>
<node locNP="city"/>
<node locNP="country"/>
<node locNP="geo/latitude"/>
<node locNP="geo/longitude"/>
<node locNP="geo/altitude"/>
<node locNP="temporal"/>
<node locNP="type"/>
<node locNP="source"/>
<node locNP="addInfo" minCount="0"/>
A HyperdocTree constraint checks the tree structure of a virtual resource representing the complete target of an applied
link definition: it has a <hyperdoc>
root element containing one child element per link target resource, with a name and content
identical to the node tree representation of that resource. In the following example, the link definition is provided by the @hrefXP node,
and the hyperdoc tree describes the result of aggregating the link targets into a single document:
<hyperdocTree hrefXP="//@href" resolvable="true">
<node locNP="/hyperdoc">
<node locNP="airport" minCount="10" maxCount="unbounded">
<node locNP="@iata"/>
<node locNP="name"/>
<node locNP="city"/>
<node locNP="country"/>
<node locNP="geo/latitude"/>
<node locNP="geo/longitude"/>
<node locNP="temporal">
<node locNP="timezone"/>
<node locNP="timezoneTz"/>
<node locNP="dst"/>
<node locNP=".">
<node locNP="addInfo/controlStartDate" minCount="0"/>
<node locNP="addInfo/controlEndDate" minCount="0"/>
An XsdValid constraint launches XSD validation of the target resource. It is not necessary to specify the exact XSD – one may provide a set of XSDs and leave selection of the appropriate XSD to the Greenfox processor. In the following example:
<xsdValid xsdFOX="$domain\data\air\resources\xsd\*.xsd"/>
a constraint parameter (@xsdFOX) selects all XSDs found in a particular folder. The Greenfox processor will use the appropriate schema (which matches the target root element), provided there is exactly one.
Validation may be applied to subtrees, rather than the whole document. Use the @selectXP parameter for selecting subtrees. For example, the following constraint,
<xsdValid xsdFOX="$domain\data\air\resources\xsd\*.xsd" selectXP="//airport[*]"/>
validates all <airport>
elements with child elements found in the target resource.
When the constraint element is child of a <focusNode>
element, validation is applied to the focus nodes, rather than the document
root element:
<focusNode selectXP="//airport[*]">
<xsdValid xsdFOX="$domain\data\air\resources\xsd\*.xsd"/>
A selection of validation targets within the shape target may thus be achieved either via <focusNode> or/and using the constraint parameter @selectXP.
A Value constraint evaluates an expression and checks the result against expectations. Checks are concerned with the number of items, their datatype, string value and string length and whether they are distinct. Options control whether all or at least one value item must conform to expectations and whether checks are applied to raw values or edited values, e.g. cast to a type or set to lowercase.
The expression is either an XPath expression or a LinePath expression. If the use of a Foxpath expression is desired, a different constraint type must be used (a Foxvalue constraint).
The following table compiles the facets supported by Value constraints.
Check node | Expectation | Example | Notes |
@count, @minCount, @maxCount | Number of value items is eq/ge/le the attribute value |
count="1" minCount="1" maxCount="3" |
There is no default – absence of count attributes means that the number of items is not constrained |
@exists, @empty |
If equal respectively |
exists="true" empty="true" |
Syntactic sugar |
@eq, @ne, @lt, @le, @gt, @ge |
Value items eq/ne/lt/le/gt/ge the attribute value |
eq="airport" lt="1010" |
Compares as strings, unless option @useDatatype is set |
@like | Value items match the text pattern | like="*/*" | Wildcards are * and ? |
@notLike | Value items do not match the text pattern | notLike="airport-*" | Wildcards are * and ? |
@matches | Value items match the regex |
matches="^Z\d+$" matches="-" |
The regex is not anchored – it may describe a substring |
@notMatches | Value items do not match the regex |
notMatches="\s" notMatches=",\S" |
The regex is not anchored – it may describe a substring |
@length, @minLength, @maxLength | Value items have a string length eq/ge/le the attribute value |
length="1" minLength="1" maxLength="4" |
Length is the number of characters. |
@datatype | Value items can be cast to the datatype identified by the attribute value |
datatype="integer" datatype="date" datatype="boolean" |
The attribute value must be the local name of a datatype defined by the XSD specification |
@distinct | Value items must be distinct | distinct="true" | Compares as strings, unless option @useDatatype is set |
in/eq in/ne in/matches in/notMatches in/like in/notLike |
Value items must match at least one of the elements |
<in> <eq>Active</eq> <eq>NonActive</eq> <like>Custom-*</like> </in> |
Each child element of <in> defines an alternative; the semantics of the elements is equal to the semantics of an attribute with the same name and the same value |
notin/eq notin/ne notin/matches notin/notMatches notin/like notin/notLike |
Value items must not match any of the elements |
<notin> <like>Test-*</like> <like>Debug-*</like> <matches>\s</matches> </notin> |
Each child element of <notin> defines a case which must not apply |
contains/term | For every term there must be a value item with that value |
<contains> <term>Summary</term <term>References</term> </contains> |
The expression value may contain also other items |
sameTerms/term | For every item there is an equal term, and for every term there is at least one equal item |
<sameTerms> <term>FRA</term> <term>CGN</term> <term>DUS</term> </sameTerms> |
The order of terms and items may be different, and there may be different numbers of repetition |
deepEqual/term | The n-th item is equal to the n-th term |
<deepEqual> <term>Entrance</term> <term>Exit></term> <term>Exit></term> </deepEqual> |
Corresponds to the XPath function deep-equal() |
The evaluation may be modified by several options – see following table.
Option node | Semantics | Example | Notes |
@quant | If used with the value some, conformance requires only at least one item to meet the expectation, not all |
quant="some" quant="all" |
Not evaluated in the case of the following checks: distinct, sameTerms, deepEqual |
@useDatatype | Before comparing, value items are cast to the schema type identified by the attribute value | useDatatype="integer" | The attribute value must be the local name of a datatype defined by the XSD specification |
@useString |
Before comparing, value items are edited; available manipulations: lc – set lower-case, uc – set upper-case, ns – normalize space, tr – trim leading/trailing WS sv – take string value |
useString="lc" useString="lc ns" |
The attribute value is a whitespace separated list of tokens identifying manipulations |
@flags | The attribute value supplies flags used when evaluating regular expressions or string patterns |
flags="i" flags="x" |
Flag semantics as described in the XPath functions spec (XP flags); “x” can be useful when ignorable whitespace makes the regex more readible |
The expression can be an XPath expression (@exprXP) or a LinePath expressions(@exprLP; @exprLP + @filterLP).
A few examples illustrate the use of Value constraints.
Example - check items using a text pattern:
<value exprXP="//temporal/timezoneTz"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: timezoneZt"
like="*/*" likeMsg="timezoneTz should have */*."/>
Example – check items using a numerical comparison:
<value exprXP="//altitude"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: timezoneZt"
lt="1100" likeMsg="Altitude expected to be lt 1000."
Example – check items as edited values:
<value exprXP="//type"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: timezoneZt"
eq="AIRPORT" eqMsg="Type must be AIRPORT."
Example – check items as edited values:
<value exprXP="//type"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: timezoneZt"
eq="AIRPORT" eqMsg="Type must be AIRPORT."
Example – at least one value item must conform, rather than all items:
<value exprXP="//altitude"
minCount="1" minCountMsg="Missing values: altitude"
lt="10" ltMsg="Airport at altitude lt 10 expected."
Example – comparing value items with alternatives:
<value exprXP="//dst"
count="1" countMsg="Missing value: dst">
A ValuePair constraint evaluates two expressions and checks their relationship against expectations. Available checks include pair-wise and aggregated comparisons between the value items of both expressions, as well as comparisons between the value item counts. The following table compiles the facets supported by Value constraints.
Check node | Expectation | Example | Notes |
@cmp= eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge |
The items of the first expression value are eq/ne/lt/le/gt/ge the items of the second second expression value; (3) When the attitems of the first expression value are |
cmp="eq" cmp="ne" cmp="lt" cmp="le" cmp="gt" cmp="ge" |
Compares as strings, unless option @useDatatype is set |
@cmp=in | Every item from the first expression value is equal to some item of the second expression value | cmp="in" |
The value of the second expression may contain items not equal to any item from the first expression value |
@cmp=notin | The expression values are disjunct – no item is found in both values | cmp="notin" | |
@cmp=contains | Every item from the second expression value is equal to some item of the first expression value | cmp="contains" | The value of the first expression may contain items not equal to any item from the second expression value |
@cmp=sameTerms | All items from the first expression value are found among the items of the second expression value, and the other way around | cmp="sameTerms" | Every item is found in both values, but order and the numbers of repetition may be different |
@cmp=permutation | Both expression values contain the same distinct items with the same frequencies | cmp="permutation" | Similar to “deepEqual”, but allowing arbitrary order |
@cmp=deepEqual | The n-th item of the first expression value is equal to the n-th item of the second expression value | cmp="deepEqual" | Corresponds to the XPath function deep-equal() |
@cmpCount= eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge |
The number of items of the first expression is eq/ne/lt/le/gt/ge the number of items of the second expression |
cmpCount="eq" cmpCount="lt" cmpCount="ge" |
Compares the item counts, not the items themselves |
@count1, @minCount1, @maxCount2 | The number of value items of the first expression is eq/ge/le the attribute value |
count1="1" minCount1="1" maxCount1="99" |
There is no default – absence of count attributes means that the number of items of the first expression is not constrained |
@count2, @minCount2, @maxCount2 | The number of value items of the second expression is eq/ge/le the attribute value |
count2="1" minCount2="1" maxCount2="99" |
There is no default – absence of count attributes means that the number of items of the second expression is not constrained |
The evaluation may be modified by several options – see following table.
Option node | Semantics | Example | Notes |
@quant |
If used with the value If used with the value someForEach, conformance requires for each item of the first expression at least one item of the second
expression to meet the expectation. This variant can be useful when the second expression is re-evaluated for each item of the
first expresion (see below, option |
quant="some" quant="someForEach" quant="all" |
Not evaluated in the case of the following @cmp values: sameTerms, deepEqual |
@useDatatype | Before comparing, value items are cast to the schema type identified by the attribute value | useDatatype="integer" | The attribute value must be the local name of a datatype defined by the XSD specification |
@useString |
Before comparing, value items are edited; available manipulations: lc – set lower-case, uc – set upper-case, ns – normalize space, tr – trim leading/trailing WS sv – take string value |
useString="lc" useString="lc ns" |
The attribute value is a whitespace separated list of tokens identifying manipulations |
@expr2Context | If used with the value item, the second expression is evaluated repeatedly, once per item of the first expression value and using that item as context item |
expr2Context="item" expr2Context="context1" |
If the value is context1, the second expression is evaluated only once, using the same context item as used for the first expression |
The expressions can be XPath expressions (@expr1XP, @expr2XP), LinePath expressions (@expr1LP, @expr2LP; @filter1LP + @map1LP, @filter2LP + @map2LP) or a combination of both – e.g. @expr1XP, @expr2LP.
A few examples illustrate the use of Value constraints.
Example – the value items must all be equal:
<valuePair expr1XP="/airportsForCountry/@country" count1="1"
expr2XP="//airport/country" minCount2="1"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="Inconsistent country names"/>
Example – referenes must be a subset of IDs:
<valuePair expr1XP="//@country" minCount1="1"
expr2XP="//country/@id" minCount2="1"
cmp="in" cmpMsg="Country references not a subset of country IDs"/>
Example – the second expression is evaluated for each item of the first expression value:
<valuePair expr1XP="//country/@name" minCount1="1"
expr2XP="../name" minCount2="1"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="Country name attribute and child different"/>
A Foxvalue constraint is very similar to a Value constraint: a resource is mapped to a value which is checked against expectations. The only difference is the kind of expression, which here is a Foxpath expression, rather than an XPath or LinePath expression. The constraints are nevertheless distinguished in order to emphasize a difference of meaning: while a Value constraint checks resource contents and is independent of other resources, a Foxvalue constraint checks a resource in terms of its environment, usually involving file system navigation and the inspection of other resources. A Foxvalue constraint is often used for checking folder contents, but it may also be applied to files, e.g. verifying that a resource is accompanied by another resource with particular content.
The check nodes and option nodes of a Foxvalue constraint are identical to the check nodes and option nodes of a Value constraint.
Example: check the distinctness of items found in folder contents.
<folder uri="data/air/airports/countries">
exprFOX="*\xml\airport-*.xml/airport/@id" minCount="10"
distinct="true" distinctMsg="XML Airport IDs not distinct"/>
Example: check integer values found in folder contents for a limit value:
<folder uri="data/air/airports/countries">
exprFOX="*\json\airport-*.json\jdoc()//altitude" minCount="10"
lt="1100" ltMsg="Altitude lt 1100 expected"/>
Like a ValuePair constraint, a FoxvaluePair constraint uses two expressions in order to map the resource to a couple of values and checks their relationship. Different from a ValuePair constraint, however, one or both expressions are Foxpath expressions, evaluated in the context of the resource URI, rather than a node from resource contents. Validation semantics are identical to the semantics of a ValuePair constraint - see checknodes of a ValuePair constraint.
A FoxvaluePair constraint can be used in order to verify folder contents in sophisticated ways, especially considering aggregated resource contents, rather than only resource names. The following example checks that aggregated XML resources contain the same IDs and associated frequencies as aggregated JSON resources:
<foxvaluePair expr1FOX="xml\airport-*.xml/airport/@id" minCount1="5"
cmpMsg="XML and JSON airports must contain the same set of IDs"/>
A second example demonstrates the validation of a file resource against a FoxvaluePair constraint. The check is based on a combined use of a Foxpath and an XPath expression. The country names occurring in a file are the same as the country names occurring in all resources in the containing folder:
expr1XP="//@country" minCount1="5"
expr2FOX="..\(*.xml//(@country, country), *.json\jdoc(.)//country)"
cmpMsg="Countries and index file and index folder must be the same"/>
A ValueCompared constraint is similar to a ValuePair constraint, as two expressions are evaluated and the relationship between their values is checked. But while the expressions of a ValuePair constraint are both evaluated in the context of the shape target, a ValueCompared constraint has one expression evaluated in the shape target and the other expression evaluated in the context of a second resource. A ValueCompared constraint thus checks a pair of resources, rather than a single resource.
The second resource is determined by evaluating a Link definition. The expression values are checked in exactly the same way as in a ValuePair constraint – see checknodes of a ValuePair constraint.
The link definition can be referenced by name (@linkName) or specified locally by link defining attributes.
Example: a resource pair is validated by checking different value pairs for equality:
navigateFOX="..\..\json\fox-child($fileName, '.xml$', '.json')"
expr1XP="//latitude" count1="1"
expr2XP="//latitude" count2="1"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="Latitude different in XML and JSON airports"/>
expr1XP="/*/@icao" count1="1"
expr2XP="//icao" count2="1"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="ICAO codes different in XML and JSON airports"/>
The second resource is determined by a local link definition, defined by attributes (@navigateFOX, @mediatype) on <valuesCompared>. Alternatively, the link definition may be referenced by name (@linkName):
navigateFOX="..\..\json\fox-child($fileName, '.xml$', '.json')"
When the link definition yields multiple link target, a binary constraint like ValueCompared is evaluated for each pair combining the shape target with one of the link targets:
<valuesCompared hrefXP="//@href"
expr1XP="/airportsForCountry/@country" count1="1"
expr2XP="//country" count2="1"
cmp="eq" cmpMsg="Countries inconsistent"/>
A FoxvalueCompared constraint is similar to a ValueCompared constraint, as pairs of resources are checked by inspecting a pair of values produced by a pair of expressions. Different from a ValueCompared constraint, one or both expressions are Foxpath expressions, rather than XPath or LinePath expressions. Validation semantics are identical to the semantics of a FoxvaluePair or a ValuePair constraint - see checknodes of a ValuePair constraint.
A FoxvalueCompared constraint can validate a pair of folders by comparing aggregated contents. This enables highlevel check, roughly comparable with a checksum. In the following example, two folders are validated by making sure that the aggregated geo coordiantes which they contain the same distinct values and associated frequencies:
<foxvaluesCompared reflector1FOX="ancestor~::air" reflector2FOX="..\air.20201006">
expr1FOX=".\\(*.xml, *.json\jdoc(.))//latitude" minCount1="100"
expr2FOX=".\\(*.xml, *.json\jdoc(.))//latitude"
cmpMsg="XML and JSON airports must contain the same latitudes"/>
expr1FOX=".\\(*.xml, *.json\jdoc(.))//longitude" minCount1="100"
expr2FOX=".\\(*.xml, *.json\jdoc(.))//longitude"
cmpMsg="XML and JSON airports must contain the same longitude"/>
A DocSimilar constraint checks a file by comparing its content (node tree representation) to the content (node tree representation) of another file identified by a link definition. The link definition is supplied by attributes on the constraint element (e.g. @navigateFOX) or by referencing a global link definition (@linkName) (see Link definitions). When no document modifiers are used, conformance requires both documents to be deep-equal. Example:
<docSimilar navigateFOX="fox-sibling('airports-ireland.copy.xml')"
Document modifiers define a manipulation applied to the documents before comparing them. Using modifiers, the definition of similarity can be controlled in a fine-grained way. In the following example, document comparison ignores differences between the values of @timestamp attributes:
<docSimilar navigateFOX="fox-sibling('airports-ireland.copy.xml')"
<ignoreValue localName="timezoneTz" kind="attribute"/>
Other document modifiers describe items to be altogether ignored, to be edited or to be reordered – see the table below.
Modifier element |
Effect | Parameters | Parameter effect |
<ignoreValue> | The string value of selected items is ignored. |
#Item selectors: @kind, @localName @namespace @parentLocalName @parentNamespace @ifXP @itemXP |
A set of parameters defining a selection of items; see table below for details |
<skipValue> | The existence, cardinality and content of selected items is ignored. |
#Item selectors (see <ignoreValue>) |
See <ignoreValue> |
<editValue> | The text content is edited. |
Item selectors (see <ignoreValue>) |
See <ignoreValue> |
@useString |
Whitespace-separated tokens encoding manipulations: lc = set to lowercase, uc = set to uppercase, ns = normalize whitespace, tr = trim leading and trailing whitespace |
@replaceSubstring | A substring to be replaced | ||
@replaceWith | A substring replacing the substring specified by @replaceSubstring | ||
sortDoc | Parts of the document are reordered | localNames | Whitespace-separated list of names or name patterns; if used, only elements with a matching local name are considered for reordering their contents |
orderBy | If equal localName , items are reordered by local name; if equal keyValue , items are reordered by a sort key identified by
@keyValueName |
keySortedLocalName | Evaluated if $orderBy is keyValue : the local name of the sibling elements to be reordered |
@keyLocalName | Evaluated if $orderBy is keyValue : the local name of the element or attribute used as a sort key; if an attribute is used, the
name is preceded by @. |
Selector attribute | Filter effect | Example |
@kind | If equal attribute, selected items are attributes , otherwise they are elements |
kind='attribute ' kind='element ' |
@localName | Local names of selected items |
localName='timestamp' localName='timestamp lastModified' |
@namespace | Namespace URIs of selected items |
namespace='' namespace='http://abc/ns http://xyz/ns' |
@parentLocalName | The parent of selected nodes has one of these local names | parentLocalName='airport station' |
@parentNamespace | The parent of selected nodes have one of these namespaces | parentNamespace='' |
@ifXP | Evaluated in the context of selected items, the XPath expression has a true effective boolean value |
ifXP='count(alterNames) gt 1 ' |
@itemXP | XPath expression returning selected items | itemXP='not(exists(preceding-sibling::alterNames)) |
A few examples illustrate the use of document modifiers.
Example – ignore the string value of selected items:
<docSimilar navigateFOX="fox-sibling('airports-ireland.copy.xml')"
<ignoreValue localName="timezoneTz explanation" kind="element"/>
<ignoreValue parentLocalName="errorDetails"/>
Example – ignore the existence, frequency and content of selected items:
<docSimilar navigateFOX="fox-sibling('airports-ireland.copy.xml')"
<skipItem localName="broadcaseMessage" kind="element"/>
<skipItem parentLocalName="externalDetails" kind="element"/>
Example – sort document contents alphabetically, and sort airport
sibling elements by ID:
<docSimilar navigateFOX="fox-sibling('airports-ireland.copy.xml')"
<sortDoc orderBy="localName"/>
<sortDoc orderBy="keyValue" keySortedLocalName="airport"/>
A FolderSimilar constraint checks a folder by comparing its contents to the contents of another folder identified by a link definition. The link definition is supplied by attributes on the constraint element (e.g. @navigateFOX) or by referencing a global link definition (@linkName) (see Link definitions).
Child elements of the constraint element can be used in order to exclude folder members from the comparison. When excluding, exclusion
may be limited to the shape target folder (@where="here") or the link target folder (@where="there"). Exclusion may
also be limited to files (<skipFiles>
), limited to folders (<skipFolders>
) or refer to files and folders alike (<skipMembers>
). Excluded members are identified by a whitespace separated list of names or name patterns. Example:
<folderSimilar linkName="refAir">
<skipFiles names="ONLINE.FLAG X*.FLAG " where="here"/>
<skipFiles names="phantastic.png jodle.png" where="here"/>
<skipFolders names="copies-*"/>
<skipMembers names=".ignoreme2" where="there"/>
Note that “content” is here perceived as a list of file and folder names only – it does not consider the contents of folder members. Consider using a FoxvalueCompared constraint when you want to compare folders in a way which takes member contents into account.
A Link constraint checks the result of applying to the shape target resource a link definition. Available checks include various cardinality constraints and whether URI references can be resolved to resources. Apart from these explicit constraints, a failure to parse the link target resource into the expected mediatype also causes a constraint violation. Note that an expected mediatype (@mediatype) is part of the link definition, not a constraint.
A Link constraint is represented by a <links>
element. The link definition is supplied by link defining attributes - e.g.
@navigateFOX or @hrefXP - or by referencing a global link definition (@linkName; see Link definitions).
The checks are represented by constraint attributes of the <links>
element (see table below). When the <links>
references a global link definition (via @linkName), any constraints built into the link definition (declared within the
referenced <linkDef>
element) are added to the referencing Link constraint. In case of conflict – global link definition and a
referencing constraint element declare the same kind of check – the check declared by the constraint element overrides the check declared
within the link definition. For instance, if link definition and constraint element both declare a minimum number of link target
resources, the value from the constraint element overrides the value from the link definition.
For each @count* constraint, there is also a corresponding @minCount* and a corresponding @maxCount* constraint. When no context selector is used (link definition without @contextXP), there is only one context point and therefore the constraints with suffix PerContextPoint
are treated like the corresponding constraint without suffix.
Constraint attribute | Meaning |
@resolvable | If true , the target URI must point to an existing resource |
@countTargetResources | The number of target resources, per context resource |
@countTargetResourcesPerContextPoint | The number of target resources, per context resource fragment (or per context resource, if no context selector has been defined) |
@countTargetDocs | The number of target resources successfully parsed into a node tree, per context resource |
@countTargetDocsPerContextPoint | The number of target resources successfully parsed into a node tree, per context resource fragment (or per context resource, if no context selector has been defined) |
@countTargetNodes | The number of nodes contained in the target fragment, per context resource |
@countTargetNodesPerContextPoint | The number of nodes contained in the target fragment, per context resource fragment (or per context resource, if no context selector has been defined) |
A few examples illustrate the use of Link Constraints.
Example – a local link definition (supplied by @hrefXP) can be resolved to at least three target resources; when resolving, any target URI is found to point to an existent resource:
<links hrefXP="//*:href"
resolvable="true" resolvableMsg="Link cannot be resolved"
minCountTargetResourcesMsg="More link targets expected."/>
Example – a global link definition (referenced by @linkName) can be resolved to exactly one target resource:
<links linkName="jsonDoc"
resolvable="true" resolvableMsg="Link cannot be resolved"
countTargetResourcesMsg="Not exactly one JSON representation found."/>
Example – XSD include’s and import’s can be resolved recursively; while resolving, every schema location was found to point to an existent resource, and at least 10 schemas have been involved:
<links hrefXP="//(xs:include, xs:import)/@schemaLocation"
resolvable="true" resolvableMsg="Dangling schema reference"
minCountTargetResourcesMsg="Expected gt 10 schemas included or imported"/>
A TargetSize constraint checks the outcome of selecting a target. A target is a set of resources or nodes to which validation shall be
applied (shape target), or which are the result of applying a link definition to a resource (link target). The focus nodes selected from a
shape target resource can also be regarded as a target. Accordingly, the constraint element (<targetSize>
) can occur as child
element of a shape element (<file>
or <folder>
), a link definition element (linkDef) or a focus declaration
The available constraint facets depend on whether the target is selected by applying a link definition or by evaluating an XPath
expression. When a link definition is involved (shape target and link target), the available constraint facets are identical to the facets
of a Link constraint (see Constraint nodes of a Link
constraint). A target selected by an XPath expression (focus nodes), on the other hand, supports only @count, @minCount and
@maxCount checks. The available constraint attributes of a <targetSize>
element thus depend on the parent element: in the cases of
, <folder>
and <linkDef>
, it is the complete set of facets supported by a Link constraint; in the case of
it is a small subset of these.
Example – a TargetSize constraint applied to a file shape:
<folder uri="data/air">
<file navigateFOX=".\\denmark\airport-*.xml">
<targetSize minCount="15" minCountMsg="Too few airport files."/>
When a <targetSize>
constraint refers to the target of a shape (here: a file shape), the results of constraint validation refer to
the target resource from the parent shape (here: a folder shape with a relative URI data/air
) which was the evaluation
context when determining the shape target.
Example – a TargetSize constraint applied to a folder shape:
<folder reflector1FOX="ancestor~::air" reflector2FOX="..\air.reference">
<targetSize count="1" countMsg="Mirror folder missing"/>
The constraint is violated if the current folder does not have a “mirror folder”, so that folder and mirror folder are found at the same
relative path under the folders air
and air.reference
, respectively.
Example – a TargetSize constraint applied to a link definition:
<linkDef name="jsonAirports"
uriXP="'../countries/ireland/json/airport-' || @iata || '.json'"
<targetSize resolvable="true"
In this example, the link definition is constrained in different ways:
Every URI constructed by the expression in @uriXP must point to an existent resource
Per context resource at least 10 target resources are found
Exactly one target resource is found for each
element used as a link context
When the link definition is referenced – for example by a binary constraint like a DocSimilar constraint – these “built-in” TargetSize constraints are checked and treated as if they were facets of the link referencing constraint.
Example – a TargetSize constraint applied to a focus node declaration:
<focusNode selectXP="//airport[*]">
<targetSize minCount="1" minCountMsg="Expected at least one airport"/>
<xsdValid xsdFOX="$domain\data\air\resources\xsd\*.xsd"/>
A <targetSize> constraint which is child of a <focusNode>
declaration cannot have other facets than @count, @minCount,
A ConditionalConstraint is a composite consisting of conditional constraints and effective constraints. Conditional constraints are evaluated in order to determine which (if any) constraints are evaluated in order to obtain validation results. These are called effective constraints. The minimal structure is illustrated by a simple example:
<mediatype eq="xml"/>
<xsdValid xsdFOX="$domain\data\air\resources\xsd\*.xsd"/>
The <if>
clause contains one or more constraints which are evaluated in order to determine if the associated <then>
clause is
effective. If none of the constraints in the <if>
clause has a red result, the <then>
clause is effective: its constraints are
evaluated, and their results are the results of the ConditionalConstraint. If at least one constraint in the <if>
clause has a red
result, the constraints of the <then>
clause are not evaluated.
In this simple example, the ConditionalConstraint does not produce results if the 2 clause has a red result. The constraint may,
however, contain one or more <elseif>
branches which are treated in the same way as the initial <if>
clause: the result of the
ConditionalConstraint is the result of the <then>
branch associated with the first <if>
or <elseif>
branch without red
results. There may also be an <else>
clause containing constraints which are evaluated if none of the preceding <then>
branches was evaluated. The general structure may thus be summarized schematically as follows:
Using the following shorthand:
+ - one or more constraint elements -
* - zero or more<elseif>
elements -
- zero or one<else>
Conditional constraints – all constraints enclosed by an <if>
or <elseif>
element – produce results which are treated in a
special way:
Green results are changed into whitegreen results and added to the overall results
Red results are changed into whitered results and added to the overall results
Yellow results are changed into whiteyellow results and added to the overall results
The content of a white* result is identical to the content of a corresponding non-white result – the only difference is the colour. These special colours allow to ignore or consider conditional results, yet never confuse them with normal results. By default, a validation report does not include any representation of white* results. Appropriate options can be used in order to have white* results included in the report.
Constraint types - examples
The folder $greenfox/declarative-amsterdam-2020/demo-constraints
contains for each constraint type one or several example schemas. Note
that the examples are not meant to give a comprehensive overview of the possibilites. Rather, they should give a feeling what can be
achieved using that constraint type, and how using the constraint type looks.
Appendix A1: Variable bindings – reference
This appendix describes all variable bindings available in Foxpath and XPath expressions.
The first row (@*FOX, @*XP) applies to all expressions, remaining rows only to expressions in attributes with a name matching the first column and only if the conditions (last column) are satisfied.
Expression attribute | Context resource | Variable name | Variable value | Conditions (C) or remark (R) |
@*FOX @*XP (except field/@valueFOX, field/@valueXP) |
Shape or link target resource | $doc |
Root node of the shape target resource | C: Shape target resource can be parsed into a node tree |
$focusNode |
Current focus node | C: Relevant constraint has a <focusNode> parent |
$lines |
Node representation of content lines of the shape target resource | - | ||
$fileName |
File name of the shape target resource | - | ||
$filePath |
URI of the shape target resource | - | ||
$domain |
URI of the domain folder | - | ||
Names (@name) of all <field> elements in the
<context> |
User-supplied value, if available; otherwise the alue from the @value or the expression value from the @valueFOX or
@valueXP attribute on the respective <field> element |
- | ||
@expr2FOX @expr2XP |
Shape or link target resource |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
R: If the attribute belongs to a
element, the context resource is the link target, otherwise the shape target resource |
$value |
Value obtained from sibling attribute @expr1* (*=FOX|XP|LP) |
R: The complete value, not a single item | ||
$item |
An item returned by @expr1* (*=FOX|XP|LP); can be a node or an atom | C: The attribute has a @expr2Context sibling with value item |
$linkContext |
Link context item (a content node, the root node or the URI) | C: The attribute belongs to a <*Compared> element (*=
Foxvalue|Value ) |
$targetDoc |
Root node of link target resource |
C: The attribute belongs to a
$targetNode |
A node from the link target resource |
C: The attribute belongs to a
@targetXP | Link target resource |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
$linkContext |
Link context item (content node, root node or URI) | - | ||
@reflector2FOX | Foxpath value of sibling attribute @reflector1FOX, or literal value of sibling attribute @reflector1URI |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
[see @*FOX, @*XP] |
field/@valueFOX field/@valueXP |
Containing Greenfox schema | Variable names (@name) of preceding <field> sibling elements |
For each <field> sibling element: user-supplied value, if available; otherwise the
value from the @value or the expression value from the @valueFOX or @valueXP attribute on that
<field> element |
- |